A Tale of the 2 Covenants/2 Israels (Part 2)

A Tale of the 2 Covenants/2 Israels (Part 2)

If you would like to go to Part 1, click here.

The Old Covenant was a type/shadow to lead to Yeshua our Mediator, His Body as the Temple, His Perfect Sacrifice, and an eternal inheritance.  In order for the Second Covenant (Issac/Spirit) to properly inherit, then the First Covenant (Ishmael/Flesh) had to be cast out.This is why the Flesh is nailed to the Cross. Continue reading “A Tale of the 2 Covenants/2 Israels (Part 2)”

The Apple of Yah’s Eye is Who?

A common verse, that is used out of context, usually used in conjunction with Gen 12:3,  ‘I will bless those who bless you’, to support a land and people after the flesh, is one from Zechariah 2:8, the apple of Yah’s eye.

The true apple of Yah’s eye is not a physical land called ‘Israel’, or people of the flesh called the ‘Jews’, but rather heavenly Zion/New Jerusalem/the Bride/The Body of Messiah…those who obey the commandments of Yah, born from above of the Spiritual Seed, through faith in the Son, Messiah Yeshua/Jesus. Continue reading “The Apple of Yah’s Eye is Who?”

Silver and Gold..At What Price..For Water and Bread..or Perhaps Milk and Honey?

October 25, 2016

A little study into Zechariah….I found myself…coming to the Water….and tasting honey….and going with the flow of the Ruach(Spirit)….

Isa 55:1“Oh everyone WHO THIRSTS, COME TO THE WATERS. And you who have no silver, come, BUY AND EAT. Come, BUY WINE AND MILK without silver and without price. 2“Why do you weigh out silver for what is not bread, and your labour for what does not satisfy? Listen, listen to Me, and eat what is good, and let your being delight itself in fatness. 3“Incline your ear, and come to Me. Hear, so that your being lives. And LET ME MAKE AN EVERLASTING COVENANT WITH YOU, the trustworthy kindnesses of Dawiḏ.  Continue reading “Silver and Gold..At What Price..For Water and Bread..or Perhaps Milk and Honey?”

The Living Temple

The purpose of animal sacrifice was the temporary atonement for sin under the old covenant. It was a foreshadow to the Perfect Sacrifice and perfected atonement for sin through Yeshua who is YHWH/God come in the flesh. When Messiah was crucified and presented His Body as a Living Sacrifice, the Perfect Passover Lamb, it nullified physical sacrifices. Continue reading “The Living Temple”