There is something I feel that I need to address as many have fallen into gnostic/false teachings and a false gospel of salvation having to do with a person’s DNA. I have seen several promoting this, to include many false prophets/teachers.
Have you heard or seen the following?
- “Once you take the “jab” you will no longer have the DNA needed to enter the kingdom”
- “He who controls the DNA controls salvation”
- “Bless your DNA”
Folks, I have not only seen these exact statements, but many more that fall into such category. I can with out a doubt tell you that it is new age anti-christ doctrine, that opposes the gospel. I am going to go into the exact origin of such statements and how they are leading many people astray into New Age enlightenment to bring about a “Christ” awakening.
First, I want to start off by stating, that NOWHERE in scripture does it state that we need DNA to enter the Kingdom, or that your salvation is based upon such, rather quite the opposite:
♦John 1:12But to all who did receive Him, to those who believed in His name, He gave the right to become children of God— 13children born not of blood, nor of the desire or will of man, but born of God.
♦1 Cor 15:50Now I declare to you, brothers, that flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God, nor does the perishable inherit the imperishable.
Saying that DNA has the power of salvation is to diminish the gospel of Christ, and the need for a person to come to salvation through Yeshua/Jesus, by faith and repentance, being BORN AGAIN of the SPIRIT.
♦John 3:5Jesus answered, “Truly, truly, I tell you, no one can enter the kingdom of God unless he is born of water and the Spirit. 6Flesh is born of flesh, but spirit is born of the Spirit.
The only BLOOD that we should concern ourselves with is the BLOOD that Yeshua/Jesus shed on the cross for our sins.
♦Acts 20:28Keep watch over yourselves and the entire flock of which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers. Be shepherds of the church of God, which He purchased with His own blood.
What is born of the flesh(DNA) is not that of the Spirit. My DNA holds NO weight in my salvation, and for those to promote such buffoonery are deceived and promoting lies from the serpent’s tongue.
As I mentioned above, there are many false teachers/prophets that have latched on to this, and are heavily promoting such through their ministries. Many doctors and nurses that have been exposing the evil dangers and agendas behind the covid vaccine, are also opening up a “backdoor” to enter into New Age enlightenment.
This, is where the deception becomes very dangerous, and is leading many astray into New Age/Gnostic beliefs, and a New Age Christ.
A few months ago, I was watching a daily news clip, in which an interview was being done with Carrie Madej. In this brief segment of the interview that was being shown, Carrie stated that our genetic genome is how we connect to our “christ light”. The full interview, done by Jana and Steve Denoon from Israeli News live, which is under 40 minutes, is provided in the video below.
The segment in which Carrie speaks on our genome being connected to our “christ light” is at 27:50 min to the 28:18 min marker. Further on in the interview, at 35:00min and forward, Carrie goes on to distort/lie about not only Scripture, but the words of Jesus in order to filter in her New Age/Occultic beliefs.
Disclaimer: I do not support or promote Israeli News Live with Steve and Jana Denoon. I am using this interview to show the deceptiveness of this agenda and those who are promoting it.
The last 5-6 minutes of the interview really reveal Carries’ beliefs, that go hand-in-hand with “christ light” connecting to the genome. Here are 3 specific areas that I want to highlight:
- 35:08 – Jesus taught in the Bible “I am not better than you, I am here to teach you”
- 35:12 -Jesus said: “Greater things you will do because it’s already inside you, you forgot who you were”
- 35:18 – Heart energy, the highest frequency, and going up to higher frequencies
For those who might not know, Carrie Madej is a doctor speaking out against this covid vaccine, however, also professes to be a “Believer in Jesus Christ”, as stated on her facebook profile. However, the agenda she brings forth, which is being promoted by Israeli News Live, and the Jesus she speaks on, is false, and she is walking in darkness.
♦1 John 1:6 If we say we have fellowship with Him yet walk in the darkness, we lie and do not practice the truth.
I will include a few screen shots from her fb page, but she openly promotes Manly P. Hall, activation of the pineal gland and becoming the “awakened man or woman”. The first picture shows us as either evolving into slaves, or evolving into higher conscious beings through the path of enlightenment leading through the 7 chakras. Notice also her profile picture is of an eagle stating “we have awakened”, while quoting from Rumi, an Islamic mystic as her background picture.
1.) The “Jesus”, that Carrie mentions, is not the Jesus/Yeshua of the Bible, but rather a New Age Jesus, in which brings “enlightenment”. This is also called “christ consciousness”, and seeks to activate the “divine being” within. This is also why previously she stated that the genome connects to “our christ light”. And make note, that both Jana and Steve Denoon from Israeli News Live(INL) do not correct her on any of this, but actually speak in AGREEMENT.
For those not familiar with this understanding, I want to provide a good explanation of what defines “New Age Jesus”:
From an article I came across:
“Those enamored of New Age spirituality usually find in Jesus a kindred spirit. Rather than exiling Jesus to the legendary lore of religious imagination or debunking him as a messianic pretender, New Age writers see Jesus as an enlightened master who manifested a divine power – a power potentially available to all who enter the New Age.
The New Age movement is not a conspiracy but an eclectic configuration of spiritual seekers who have despaired of finding personal and cosmic satisfaction in either religious orthodoxies or secular materialism. Instead, they have turned to unconventional and esoteric sources in the hopes of finding what they seek in the ambiance of the mystical, magical and metaphysical.1 Given these tendencies, the Jesus of orthodox Christianity may seem inadequate. Jesus must be rescued from a pedestrian and parochial orthodoxy that demands he monopolize the deity.
Many believe that Gnostic texts provide a trustworthy record of Jesus as a spiritual catalyst who came to awaken the spark of divinity locked in our bodily prison. Self-knowledge, or gnosis, is the means of salvation. Since people hear of titles such as The Gospel of Thomas or the Gospel of Peter, many assume the Gnostic materials are historically trustworthy documents that were expelled from orthodoxy by defensive clerics. Professor Elaine Pagels, long an advocate of Gnostic materials over the canonical Scriptures, recently drew attention to The Gospel of Thomas in her best-selling book, Beyond Belief (2003).”
(The New Age Jesus, by Douglas Groothuis)
These concepts are also derived from Gnosticism, which seeks to invert the roles of Satan and Jesus/Yeshua. The basic tenants of the gospel and the sinful nature of humanity is ignored, and instead seeks to find “salvation” from within, and diminish the need for a Savior. This is exactly what Carrie meant by saying that: “Jesus taught in the Bible “I am not better than you, I am here to teach you”, and “Greater things you will do because it’s already inside you, you forgot who you were”.
It diminishes the role of Jesus/Yeshua, Lamb of God, who came to save people from their sins(Joh 1:29) and turns Him into simply an “enlightened master”, who is only trying to “awaken” humanity. Only God Himself can forgive sin, and since Jesus/Yeshua is God/YHWH come in the flesh, making Him “not better than us”, seeks to disqualify Him as not only God, but that He alone could have lived a sinless life( 1 Joh 3:5, 1 Peter 2:22), who shed His blood on the cross for the redemption of mankind(Mat 26:28). While Yeshua lived His life here on earth as a Man, He still received reverence as LORD(YHWH), and thus will always be better then us, in which every knee will bow to Him as such:
♦Phil 2:10That in The Name of Yeshua, every knee shall bow, which is in Heaven and in The Earth and which is under The Earth, 11And every tongue shall confess that Yeshua The Messiah is THE LORD JEHOVAH* to the glory of God his Father.(Aramaic Plain English)
♦Psalm 95:6 O come, let us worship and bow down; let us kneel before the LORD our Maker.
♦Isaiah 45:23 By Myself I have sworn; truth has gone out from My mouth, a word that will not be revoked: Every knee will bow before Me, every tongue will swear allegiance.
This is why if you understand gnostic beliefs, you will see how they are intertwined with New Age beliefs, and come from the same satanic source. Good Fight ministries, has a great 10 min video on the topic:
2.) Carrie kept mentioning/repeating about “remembering who you are”, and “it’s already within us”. She also spoke a lot about energy and frequency, with the heart frequency being the strongest. This simply has to do with the path of enlightenment, and going through the 7 different chakras, with the heart chakra being the strongest.
The following quotes are from a New Age “DNA Activation” website by Vince Gowmon, Awakening Your Sovereign DNA. Pay close attention to the passages that I have underlined, and compare them with what Carrie spoke.
“That purpose is that your 98% is a repository for dormant light codes. Light codes are the DNA of your higher self, nestled in tight against your biological DNA, longing to have their voice. They are the ancient language of the stars hidden “asleep”, waiting for their time of wakefulness. They are sacred seeds of divine knowing waiting to blossom you into sovereign remembrance.
The time for waiting for this sovereign awakening is over. The long era of evolving through suffering is coming to a close. We are now in a rapid ascension process into our divine genome and power. That is what is happening right now across the world. We are waking up to the light of who we really are, into our remembrance as Cosmic beings. Into our full — 100% used — genetic potential.“
Notice the picture above, which came from another “DNA Activation” occult page. Again here is another:
Notice any similarities? The whole “memory awakening” and focus on DNA, has to do specifically with what is called “DNA activation”, many also would know this as “kundalini awakening” or “ascension”. This “DNA activation” is what is known as “starlight” and is used to activate the “divine feminine” aka “divine genome” in your body to ascend to a higher level spiritually.
“While people use source code to program computers, starlight transmits Source Code to activate your divine genome.
Starlight essentially purifies and upgrades your biological “motherboard” at the subatomic particle level to a higher frequency of cellular remembrance so you feel or attune to your divine sovereign nature and its guidance for you. Nuclei, chromosomes, right down to electrons, are transmuted. DNA, the blueprint or building block of life, is re-coded from carbon to crystalline, activating your divine genome and anchoring your light body into human form. Consciousness is raised to the frequency of starlight, creating miraculous transformations in mental, emotional, physical and spiritual wellbeing” (Vince Gowmon)
What is happening right now, is a “divine feminine” awakening which is the light side of darkness. It is yin/yang philosophy or “dualism” in which one side appears more righteous then the other, yet have the same goal or objective. This is why we are warned about Satan, and his workers appearing as “angels of light”(2 Cor 11:4) because it is not the obvious darkness and outright evil that is the most deceptive.
Here, again, in the words of an occultist, as spoken from the webpage above describes the main point of the push of this “DNA activation”:
“This is, in my humble opinion, the most important global project. And fortunately there is a rapidly growing movement to heal and wake up; each person being an enlightening gene in the body of humanity with their power activated through the awakening of their sovereign DNA. With enough activation and co-independence, there will be a tipping point in consciousness that accelerates the timeline further for a new, awakened humanity and world.” (Vince Gowmon)
This my friends is what the root of the many doctrines and statements that are focused on our DNA being connected to salvation. It comes from the occult New Age practice of “DNA Activation” and is completely satanic. This is what immature Christians are being led into, and they have taken the “bait and switch” while thinking they are exposing evil by warning to not take the vaccine, but yet promote New Age enlightenment by stating that by receiving this “jab” that the DNA now disqualifies you from salvation.
There is even a particular scripture passage within Genesis, that many are using to support that Noah himself was only saved due to his perfect genetics or DNA. I have not only seen this being promoted several times, but also confronted it, as it is a complete distortion of scripture not founded in doctrinal truth. Here below is an exact quote from someone supporting such false doctrine, which I will refute below.
“Genesis 6:8But Noah found grace in the eyes of the LORD. 9These are the generations of Noah: Noah was a just man and perfect in his generations (genetics), and Noah walked with God. 10And Noah begat three sons, Shem, Ham, and Japheth. 11The earth also was corrupt before God, and the earth was filled with violence.
In other words>(He was perfect in his genetics, or his DNA. There was a lot of corruption, beginning with the Angels coming down in Genesis 6 which began a period of genetic corruption of humans and animals. Noah’s line was the only non-corrupted genetic line 500 years later.)”
Notice the person also inserted (genetics) next to generations, in which the Scriptures do not allude to. In fact, the Hebrew word there for “generations” is “dor”, which has to do with a specific time, or age, a duration in time, not a person’s “genetics”. Not only is this in grievous error, as NOWHERE in Scripture does it state that Noah was saved because his genetics were perfect, but this presents a completely different gospel of salvation.
Scripture states that Noah was saved because he was not only righteous, but believed Yah/God in faith, which prompted him to build the ark.
♦2 Peter 2:4For if God did not spare the angels when they sinned, but cast them deep into hell, placing them in chains of darkness to be held for judgment; 5if He did not spare the ancient world when He brought the flood on its ungodly people, BUT PRESERVED NOAH, A PREACHER OF RIGHTEOUSNESS, among the eight; 6if He condemned the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah to destruction, reducing them to ashes as an example of what is coming on the ungodly;
♦Hebrews 11:7BY FAITH NOAH, when warned about things not yet seen, IN GODLY FEAR BUILT AN ARK to save his family. BY FAITH HE CONDEMNED THE WORLD and became heir of the righteousness THAT COMES BY FAITH.
A person does not need faith when they rely on their genetics to save them, and so when a passage is distorted to this degree and removes the aspect of faith and righteousness, then you have the ripe conditions to produce a false gospel.
♦Gal 1:8But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed. 9As we said before, so say I now again, If any man preach any other gospel unto you than that ye have received, let him be accursed.
To continue, the word for “perfect” in Gen 6:9 is “Tamim” which means “blameless/to be made mature”; to walk upright in the sight of YHWH, and be made mature.
♦Gen 17: 1And when Abram was ninety years old and nine, the LORD(YHWH) appeared to Abram, and said unto him, I am the Almighty God; walk before me, and be thou perfect.
We are told to “be ye perfect, as your Father is perfect” and the Greek word for “perfect” is the Hebrew equivalent of “blameless”(tamim)
♦Matthew 5:48Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect.
This comes from Deut 18:13:
13You must be blameless(PERFECT) before the LORD(YHWH)your God.
We are made “perfect” through Yeshua/Jesus and Him being the unblemished LAMB that was slain. We have His righteousness over us, and walk in His righteousness, which is how we walk before a holy and righteous God. Not because of our bodies, which are perishable.
♦1 Cor 15:54When the perishable has been clothed with the imperishable and the mortal with immortality, then the saying that is written will come to pass: “Death has been swallowed up in victory.”
Again, nowhere in Scripture does it state that due to the corruption from fallen angels that Noah and his family were saved because their genetic/DNA was perfect. Because of this distortion of Scripture, it has also affected the understanding behind the passage in Matthew 24:37 “as of the Days of Noah, so shall the coming of the Son of Man be”, putting an extreme emphasis again on our DNA, and genetic perfection.
I actually spoke on this briefly within my blog “As the Days of Noah, the Ark of Salvation“:
“Many different theories are inserted ambiguously in the context surrounding “as in the days of Noah” to include, the return of Nephilim hybrids and giants. Many also use such text propelling such fulfillment 2,000 years in the future from when it was initially spoken. While, I do not completely dismiss the thoughts on the Nephilim, the context and message brought forth at the time did not have anything to do with such. It had to do with two major points:
1.) Abiding in Him as the safe “ark” while those “outside” face His wrath and divine judgement.
2.) The specific audience He was speaking to, warning of the coming judgement upon Jerusalem
At the time of Noah, God had warned him of the impeding judgement that was to come upon the earth, and to build an ark. This was the only means of escape for Noah and his family, in which there was only one door to enter. (Gen 6:16)
Through the Ark, Noah and his family experienced salvation, while on the outside of the ark, those experienced the wrath of God.
Given the context and timeframe that Jesus made the statement in Matthew 24, “As the Days of Noah”, not only was He pointing to Himself as the only means to escape, as He is the only door by which we can be saved (Joh 10:9), but the coming wrath upon Jerusalem in 70AD/CE.”
♦Luke 21:22For these are the days of vengeance, to fulfill all that is written.
Obviously, there is an attack on who we are as the human race, with a breakdown and mutilation of the human body, and distortion of male and female; however it is the reality of sin that is behind such corruption, and was the nature upon which YHWH destroyed those through the flood.
♦Genesis 6:5And GOD saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.
It was the thoughts and intent of the heart that made man evil, not his DNA or genetics. Those who come to salvation in Christ, our “Ark of Salvation”, are marked in the blood of the Lamb, and those outside the ark, are those marked with the wicked and will be washed away in the floods of judgement.

Even if Carrie, or others who share her beliefs refuse this vaccine, or other transhumanistic agendas, unless they come to true salvation, it will not matter, and will meet the same fate as those who try and seek another way to eternal life. No man or woman who seeks alternative means to save their life, will succeed in doing so:
♦Luke 9:24For whosoever will save his life shall lose it: but whosoever will lose his life for my sake, the same shall save it. 25For what is a man advantaged, if he gain the whole world, and lose himself, or be cast away?
♦John 10:1Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that entereth not by the door into the sheepfold, but climbeth up some other way, the same is a thief and a robber. 2But he that entereth in by the door is the shepherd of the sheep. 3To him the porter openeth; and the sheep hear his voice: and he calleth his own sheep by name, and leadeth them out.
While this is a topic I have already discussed in a previous blog “Overcoming the Mark of the Beast“, I will not go in depth on such here, but I will share an excerpt:
“The only way you can overcome the mark of the beast is through the blood of the Lamb. You cannot simply refuse a vaccine or microchip without having His “mark” set upon you and expect to overcome the mark of the beast. Only those who have truly counted the cost, and endure to the end, shall have victory! Those who go outside of the protection and ark of the covenant, will find themselves be swept away in the floods of judgement.
♦Rev 15:2And I saw as it were a sea of glass mingled with fire: AND THEM THAT HAD GOTTEN THE VICTORY OVER THE BEAST, AND OVER HIS IMAGE, AND OVER HIS MARK, and over the number of his name, stand on the sea of glass, having the harps of God.”
Folks, no amount of genetic perfection or “DNA activation” will ever save a man’s soul, or victory over death. Unless a person repents and turns to Yeshua/Jesus in faith, and walks upright(blameless) before Him, until they cross that finish line, then they are not going to overcome the mark of the beast.
While Satan is certainty crafty at what he does, this is the same lie that was spoken to Eve in the garden, that they shall “be ye as gods”, while partaking in the fruit from the tree of knowledge.
♦2 Cor 11:3But I fear, lest by any means, as the serpent beguiled Eve through his subtilty, so your minds should be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ. 4For if he that cometh preacheth another Jesus, whom we have not preached, or if ye receive another spirit, which ye have not received, or another gospel, which ye have not accepted, ye might well bear with him.
♦2 Cor 11:13For such are false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ. 14And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light. 15Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness; whose end shall be according to their works.
You cannot take the “red pill” without realizing there is also a “blue pill”, or a “yin” without a “yang”, or a false light to lead into darkness.
Be wise my friends.
♦Eph 5:6Let no man deceive you with vain words: for because of these things cometh the wrath of God upon the children of disobedience. 7Be not ye therefore partakers with them.
Kellie, I have not heard about this belief about the DNA Awakening. The New Age is nothing but the occult, through which Satan comes as an angel of light. Yes, it is only through the atoning and redeeming blood of Yeshua alone that we are saved. Thank you for posting this and bringing it, at least, to my attention.
Thank you Steve! You are welcome, and yes you are correct! Yes, there are certainty many layers and aspects to the New Age, and the concept of “DNA Awakening”, I was not familiar with until I started to do some research, with such a focus on DNA as of late. The topic of blood or bloodlines is not a new concept to me, and perhaps you are familiar with the Merovingian’s and the 13 bloodlines of the Illuminati. The obsession with the DNA, has to do with focus on achieving divinity, or immortality. Nothing new with seeing the occult trying to achieve that through blood. The sacred symbol of the Merovingian’s was the bee, which represented “immortality and resurrection”. Immortality and resurrection within the occult, particularly the New Age, or the “light” side, is viewed as first becoming “woke” to the “evil” and then ascending into the “higher consciousness”.
Ironically, an interview that Carrie Madej came out with, the same day actually, that I released this blog, is titled: “The Light within and the Dark side of Science” They view themselves as having the “divine light”, while exposing the “darkness”. Many do not understand the tactics of the enemy, and the concepts of the Hegelian Dialectic, even though two sides may seem diametrically opposed, they are both tapped into the same “hive mind”, going towards the same goal.
Excellent research on New Age agenda. I’m a believer in the solid doctrine of the Rapture, so I know the BoC will not incur God’s Wrath that is coming upon the whole Unregenerate world during the Tribulation. However, the two sides of the Hegelian dialectic described here is very similar to what E511 Ministries expands further upon in his videos… the False Flag of the “Great Awakening” to expose the evil Cabal darkness. Satan’s counterfeit Tribulation… to usher in his counterfeit Millenium Golden Era (QAnon)… and Christians are falling for it!!
As for DNA… Noah was righteous but the world was evil and corrupt both spiritually and genetically (nephilim). Isn’t it interesting that Satan is counterfeiting it all over again… the technology is here. As for the jab… we know it’s got nanoparticles of graphene oxide with an mRNA that does change the DNA… and as dangerous an experiment that it is… it is only a precursor of things to come. Cannot help thinking that the technology is what causes sores on all those that receive the MotB. 🤔
In the words of Adrian Rogers “the world is getting gloriously dark”.
The Lord is using the convergence of ALL these things to loosen our grip off this world. MARANATHA!
Rhonda, Thank you for your response and I appreciate you taking the time to comment. Yes, there are always two sides of the agenda that you see operating in the occult, and sadly many see the overt agenda, as you mentioned with the dark side of evil, however many become blinded by the light side of evil. Yet, we are told that Satan appears as an angel of light(2 Cor 11:14). The New Age, or Gnostic agenda focuses on the light side of Satan being Lucifer. Yes, many are falsely promoting that taking the vaccine is the “mark”, however, the mark of the beast has been here for the last 2,000 years, of which the first century church had to overcome. I speak on this more in depth in a previous blog, “Overcoming the Mark of the Beast”, which I also linked and spoke briefly in this blog. The problem is, many do not understand prophesy, and thus have become more easily deceived, because they rely on man’s interpretation and doctrine, and not the Word or careful study through the guidance of the Holy Spirit.
As far as what you mention per DNA, I already covered within my blog post, however, our genetic corruption did not start with the Nephilim, nor is there anything in the Scriptures to substantiate that claim. Rather, we are told that sin entered the world upon Adam, and through such the whole world groans through corruption:
-Romans 5:12Therefore, just as sin entered the world through one man, and death through sin, so also death was passed on to all men, because all sinned.
-Romans 8:21Because the creature itself also shall be delivered from the bondage of corruption into the glorious liberty of the children of God. 22For we know that the whole creation groaneth and travaileth in pain together until now.
From my blog: “however it is the reality of sin that is behind such corruption, and was the nature upon which YHWH destroyed those through the flood.
♦Genesis 6:5And GOD saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.
It was the thoughts and intent of the heart that made man evil, not his DNA or genetics.”
Finally, I do not believe in a pretribulation/premillennialism rapture, as I have come to not only find such doctrine to be false, but also very dangerous, in that it leads many to a false sense of security, evading the sufferings of Christ and the promise that we will see tribulation in our lives(Joh 16:33). The first century church saw not only God’s wrath fall upon Jerusalem, but endured much tribulation, unto their death. The apostle John spoke that he himself was partaking in the saints tribulation at that time:
-Rev 1:9I, John, your brother and partner in the tribulation and kingdom and perseverance that are in Jesus, was on the island of Patmos because of the word of God and my testimony about Jesus.
A lot of such doctrine comes from what is known as Dispensational premillennialism. This would take me a long time to break down certain aspects here, such as what is referred to as the “Great Tribulation”. I have spoken on such topic at more length within other blog posts. One which I think might help you start to gain insight on this is a blog titled “In Their Generation” . I will also share a great video that breaks down certain doctrines that surround this eschatological view, so that you may take some time to test it yourself.
Here is the excerpt of the video:
“Does the Bible teach the doctrine of the rapture? Will Christ return to this earth where he will establish his kingdom and reign for a thousand years? What is the “mark of the beast?” Will there soon arise a world ruler known as the Anti-Christ? All of these questions are part of a doctrine known as premillennialism. This lesson answers each of these questions providing appropriate Scripture references. Get your Bible and examine what God has to say!”
Blessings, and again thank you for your comment!
Hi Kellie,
I really struggle with understanding prophecy especially regarding past and future times. Could you recommend a book or video which is clear and biblically sound?
Hello, and thank you for reaching out. I have a great video for you that I think is great at breaking down some of the common errors surrounding prophesy. I actually shared this same video in another comment within this post. Here is an excerpt of the video, as well as the link:
“Does the Bible teach the doctrine of the rapture? Will Christ return to this earth where he will establish his kingdom and reign for a thousand years? What is the “mark of the beast?” Will there soon arise a world ruler known as the Anti-Christ? All of these questions are part of a doctrine known as premillennialism. This lesson answers each of these questions providing appropriate Scripture references. Get your Bible and examine what God has to say!”
Blessings! ~Kellie
I have never heard of this- I bet I will now! Thank you for this!!!
You are welcome, Beth. Yes, many are distorting the scriptures to support that Noah was righteous because of his DNA, thus if our DNA becomes corrupt, we can no longer obtain eternal life through Jesus/Yeshua. These beliefs are gnostic and new age in origin, as our DNA has nothing to do with our salvation. Blessings! ~Kellie
Thank you!
Blessings to you, too, Kellie! We are so blessed!!! Because of Who He is not because of who we are or anything we have done!! Glory to God!!
I realized some years ago that the only one who knows the full truth is the Lord God Almighty…creator of heaven and earth. All us others are fooled in areas of our lives and will be until we die. It is best to listen and glean from others, even if it is a speck of truth, and continue to seek the truth, but humbly knowing only God knows the full truth. Thank goodness we are not perfect.
Corrupted DNA is an issue…cloning is an issue…sex change operations are an issue…all involve corrupting God’s creation. Gen 6:12-13…”all flesh had corrupted his way”…”end of all flesh is come”…
Does a clone have a soul? A spirit? When the DNA is corrupted what happens? I cannot say…I do not know for sure…but I dare say you no longer make up who God made. How is one altered…IDK, they are not exactly being upfront with truth in the media. Is it the mark…no…could it be leading to the mark…possibly. (Not sure I agree with your Mark of the Beast assessment). Does one trust Bill Gates and big Pharma, or the Lord Jesus Christ with his life? Why would any professing Christian bow down to Trump’s shot?
I do believe that those who took these shots may in the future be a technological experiment…big changes with AI are on the horizon and they have been experimenting with mind control for some time.
It was not easy refusing to wear a mask everywhere I went…God did not make me to need a mask. Why were Christians bowing down to the nonsense and lies? Fear…they loved their own lives more than trusting Jesus Christ.
I do not know what is around the corner…this is just beginning of this agenda. I do know Christ’s blood atones for sin. But as I understand the Bible, there was no place for the Nephilim in God’s plans because they were a corruption…not His creation…seems they were a creation of Satan and the Fallen angels…Nephilim spirits have no place to rest…they are the demons. If this shot has changed DNA (and is a Luciferian creation)…that changes God creation…has nothing to do with sin other than it came out of evil…the flesh is corrupted…I do not know where all this big Pharma evil is headed…but I have some pretty good guesses…
It is dangerous to mess with DNA…the blood atones for sin and sin alone. I do not know what the shot has done…but if it is indeed altering DNA and if it contains graphene oxide that they can use to control the mind…I am greatly concerned for those who have taken it. One does not have to take the New Age extreme rabbit hole view…to see there is just an issue in general with this whole evil agenda. “Fear NOT for I am with you”…leave them to their lies and stand up for truth…know your enemy and do not follow him and his orchestrated lies.
Kelley, thank you for your thoughts, comments and I am sorry I did not see and respond to your comment earlier. I think that you might be missing the point of my whole post is that DNA has nothing to do with our salvation, and where the fixation of DNA is coming from.
Taking a shot, that may or may not corrupt our DNA is not an automatic disqualifier for salvation. This is a main concern of mine, which I pointed out within my post:
“This my friends is what the root of the many doctrines and statements that are focused on our DNA being connected to salvation. It comes from the occult New Age practice of “DNA Activation” and is completely satanic. This is what immature Christians are being led into, and they have taken the “bait and switch” while thinking they are exposing evil by warning to not take the vaccine, but yet promote New Age enlightenment by stating that by receiving this “jab” that the DNA now disqualifies you from salvation.”
We must be born again, which does not include DNA, as it is a spiritual rebirth. I never denied that there is an attack on the human race in how we were created, or that there are evil agendas at play to corrupt the human body and definition of male and female; however, it is the heart and intent of a man through sin that corrupt a person, not genetics. From my blog:
“Obviously, there is an attack on who we are as the human race, with a breakdown and mutilation of the human body, and distortion of male and female; however, it is the reality of sin that is behind such corruption and was the nature upon which YHWH destroyed those through the flood.
♦Genesis 6:5And GOD saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.
It was the thoughts and intent of the heart that made man evil, not his DNA or genetics. Those who come to salvation in Christ, our “Ark of Salvation”, are marked in the blood of the Lamb, and those outside the ark, are those marked with the wicked and will be washed away in the floods of judgement.”
Your mentioning of Gen 6:12-13, within context, is not saying or implying that the literal flesh/mortal bodies had become corrupt, but that all flesh/human-kind had become corrupt through their evil heart/thoughts and actions. That context was already given previously in verse 5, which I have also quoted above. Our physical bodies already began reaping the corruption of sin from the fall, which is why we receive new glorified bodies. (1 Cor 15)
So, this idea that Nephilim corrupted DNA and human flesh, and only Noah and his family were genetically pure, is actually not found in scripture, and a lot of these theories and ideas are coming from the book of Enoch, which I have found to be a satanic text, that contradicts scripture. This is why I mentioned this within my blog:
“Many different theories are inserted ambiguously in the context surrounding “as in the days of Noah” to include, the return of Nephilim hybrids and giants. Many also use such text propelling such fulfillment 2,000 years in the future from when it was initially spoken. While, I do not completely dismiss the thoughts on the Nephilim, the context and message brought forth at the time did not have anything to do with such. It had to do with two major points:
1.) Abiding in Him as the safe “ark” while those “outside” face His wrath and divine judgement.
2.) The specific audience He was speaking to, warning of the coming judgement upon Jerusalem
At the time of Noah, God had warned him of the impeding judgement that was to come upon the earth, and to build an ark. This was the only means of escape for Noah and his family, in which there was only one door to enter. (Gen 6:16)
Through the Ark, Noah and his family experienced salvation, while on the outside of the ark, those experienced the wrath of God.
Given the context and timeframe that Jesus made the statement in Matthew 24, “As the Days of Noah”, not only was He pointing to Himself as the only means to escape, as He is the only door by which we can be saved (Joh 10:9), but the coming wrath upon Jerusalem in 70AD/CE.”
♦Luke 21:22For these are the days of vengeance, to fulfill all that is written.”
So, what you are saying concerning the Nephilim, I am not finding relevant, nor scriptural, as I don’t believe people are going to change into something else, to become unredeemable.
Lastly, I do not dismiss your concerns concerning the evil agenda surrounding shots, which I am aware of myself, but the corruption or destruction of a physical body cannot override the thoughts and intent of the heart. I have spoken on vaccines previously in another blog, how I was military and came to the knowledge of the dangers of such. So, I in no way support taking of vaccines, and believe that many will reap the physical effects of such, even after repenting of doing it; but it is not something that condemns a person to hell.
Have many given into the fear of wearing masks and taking vaccines, yes, but that is across the board of believer and unbeliever alike. Many have idolatries in their heart that reflect fear of man over fear of God and was certainty manifested in many with the wearing of a mask and getting a vaccine. This is why God judges the thoughts and intent of a man, and not what is always seen outwardly; because many denied taking the vaccine, or wearing a mask, but also deny Jesus. So, this is why refusing to wear a mask, or taking a vaccine, etc., does not specifically qualify you to be declared righteous before God.
This is why the mark of the beast, is a spiritual transaction, one that has been going on for the last 2,000 years, that cannot simply boil down to a refusal to take a vaccine, when it has to specifically do with the rejection of Jesus. So, while I only included a very small paragraph from my blog of “Overcoming the Mark of the Beast” ( ), I encourage you to read the entire post.