Help me to feed those in need this day

May 13, 2014

I need to share an amazing story that just happened: So, Tony and I make bags for the homeless and I keep a few in my car usually at all times. Well I had put 3 in my car yesterday, and today I was out getting my hair done and running errands when I prayed to Jesus that he use me, that He help me feed a person today that needed to be fed, that if I needed to pray over someone that He would give me the words to speak life.

Well within 3 minutes after picking up some groceries I spotted a man on the side of the road who was homeless, now I was at a red light, but God said, you need to get out of your car and give this man a bag. So, I put my hazards on, got out of my car, and walked over to this man and gave him a bag, I grabbed his arm and said God bless you, he locked eyes with me, and tears were forming, and he said thank you.

I got back in my car, and I was thanking God, and then was going to go straight home, but God told me you need to go to Wal-Mart and there is someone waiting for you, and I knew his name started with an ‘A’. So, I pulled up to Wal-Mart parking area and there was a young man there about mid 20s, homeless without a shirt.

I walked up to him, and said guess what? He said what, I said I was on my way home and God wanted me to stop and said there was someone who would be in need of this. The young man, who I would find out later was named Alan, looked at the bag and all the color drained from his face. He said this is all the stuff that I really needed. I said I know, and proceeded to tell him about Jesus. Alan was not quite ready to ask Jesus into his heart, so I asked if I could pray over him, and he said ok, and so I did. The Spirit filled me, and the words just came out that this young man needed to hear.

After I was done praying, Alan, started to tear up and he said, you know, I wasn’t even planning on coming to Wal-mart today, but I had nothing to do, and so for some reason I decided to come, and here you are. I said, yes, Alan, here I am. God knows your desires and he knows you from when you were being made in your mother’s womb. I said Alan, it was a pleasure meeting you, and I hope you have a blessed day. He replied, thanks Kellie, I think it will be a great day and smiled…as I left he put his head down and began to cry.

As I was leaving I saw another man, who was not there before, who was homeless, and so I pulled over ready to stop traffic, and gave him a bag. I then asked him, Sir, do you know the Lord? He said ye, ma’am, I do. I said, well the Lord has blessed me today, because I had 3 bags in my car, and the Lord gave me 3 men to feed!

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