A few years back(2015) we attended a Messianic congregation, roughly on and off for a year. In that time we were formally introduced to the celebration of Purim. For those who don’t know, Purim is supposed to be based upon the book of Esther. However, what traditions are associated with this festival, and is it approved by God?
The annual celebration of Purim, or “Feast of Lots”, comes from Esther 9:18-32 and was instituted by Esther, Mordecai, and the rest of the Jewish people to add to the appointed times of the LORD(YHWH).
Esther 9:26Wherefore they called these days Purim after the name of Pur. Therefore for all the words of this letter, and of that which they had seen concerning this matter, and which had come unto them, 27The Jews ordained, and took upon them, and upon their seed, and upon all such as joined themselves unto them, so as it should not fail, that they would keep these two days according to their writing, and according to their appointed time every year; 28And that these days should be remembered and kept throughout every generation, every family, every province, and every city; and that these days of Purim should not fail from among the Jews, nor the memorial of them perish from their seed.(KJV)
So, right away we can see that this festival was not specifically appointed by God, as He had appointed His feasts in Lev 23; rather it was added, and appointed by the people. Now, within most festivals, there are traditions that become associated with them. However, when those traditions do not glorify Yeshua/Jesus, and are rooted in paganism or doctrines of men, then they should be forsaken.
Mark 7:7Howbeit in vain do they worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men.8For laying aside the commandment of God, ye hold the tradition of men, as the washing of pots and cups: and many other such like things ye do.9And he said unto them, Full well ye reject the commandment of God, that ye may keep your own tradition.(KJV)
What I remember from the celebration, was mostly the obsession with Haman and crazy noise makers with little children hissing and booing every time the name Haman was mentioned. I remember having some tasty food, which now knowing the truth, makes me ill to think about it.
So, without further ado, I will present some disturbing elements to this festival, and you may ask yourself does this bring glory to the Most High?

First, the common staple pastries for this festival, of which we partook, are called Hamantaschen, or “Haman’s ears” and Kreplach.
Hamantaschen are triangular-shaped dough pockets meant to symbolize Haman’s ears and Kreplach are dough pockets filled with ground beef symbolizing the beaten flesh of Haman.
Wonderful, don’t you think? Is this a part of loving your neighbor? To celebrate victory of your enemies and then re-enact it by partaking in their remains? A Jewish delicacy of pastries that encourage cannibalism?
It is no wonder why to me this festival so closely resembles Halloween, with the costumes and delectable pastries that are a code for “Haman’s ears” and “Haman’s beaten flesh”; perhaps they should include a disclaimer to those who have not partook in such a festival to actually question what the heck they are even celebrating. Blah.
It is even a tradition to go door to door to the neighbors dressed in costumes, offering up these “delectable pastries”. I suppose a flip to “trick or treating”. There was an interesting article from Haaretz that I came across and will also be quoting from, called “What is Purim? The History Behind the Halloween of Jewish Holidays”, by Elon Gilad.
Also, upon my research in many synagogues the children beat branches recreating the beating of Haman, and others recreate the hanging, screaming and booing his name. While, I am thankful that the congregation we were attending did not go to this degree, it is a still a bit disturbing to know that this is the practice and tradition associated. It is even recorded that within the 5th century Jews would even burn Haman:
“Sometime in the late 5th century, celebrating Jews began to burn Haman in effigy. This often got them in trouble with their Christian neighbors, who sometimes thought the effigy burnt was of Jesus. This tradition has died out. ” (Elon Gilad)
Here is also a quote from a respected newspaper in Israel, The Jerusalem Post, in an article called “How to Purim,” By Robin Treistman:
“The reading of the Megillah can last anywhere from 20 minutes to an hour and a half. What factor causes the variance? Simply the reaction to the name “Haman.” If the crowd goes wild every time the name Haman is read (which happens in most services) the reading can get drawn out. The point of this custom is to “beat” or take revenge on Haman. We boo, hiss, beat, and curse Haman.”
Is this what Yeshua/Jesus and the disciples taught? That we are to “take revenge” or “curse our enemies”? Let’s see what scripture has to say:
♦Matthew 5:44“But I say to you, LOVE YOUR ENEMIES, bless those cursing you, do good to those hating you, and pray for those insulting you and persecuting you(ISR 98)
♦Romans 12:14BLESS THEM WHICH PERSECUTE YOU: BLESS, AND CURSE NOT. 15Rejoice with them that do rejoice, and weep with them that weep. 16Be of the same mind one toward another. Mind not high things, but condescend to men of low estate. Be not wise in your own conceits. 17RECOMPENSE TO NO MAN EVIL FOR EVIL. Provide things honest in the sight of all men. 18If it be possible, as much as lieth in you, live peaceably with all men. 19DEARLY BELOVED, AVENGE NOT YOURSELVES, BUT RATHER GIVE PLACE UNTO WRATH; FOR IT IS WRITTEN, VENGEANCE IS MINE; I WILL REPAY, SAITH THE LORD. 20Therefore if thine enemy hunger, feed him; if he thirst, give him drink: for in so doing thou shalt heap coals of fire on his head. 21Be not overcome of evil, but overcome evil with good.(KJV)
Second, let’s take a closer look at other traditions that are incorporated, which resemble Mardi-gras or Italian carnival.
“But the most widely observed Purim traditions are dressing up and masquerading. These began in 13th century Renaissance. Purim is celebrated at roughly the same time as the Venice Carnival and other Italian celebrations that began at about that period.”(Elon Gilad)
I have been to the Carnevale in Italy, and it is basically the Italian version of Mardi-gras, or “Fat-Tuesday” and comes from the last day before the 40 days of lent. These times are filled with debaucheries, and have similar festivities to that of Saturnalia and Lupercalia. Lent also originated in ancient Babylon, of which they had a tradition of weeping, fasting, and mourning for Tammuz, as also recorded in the scriptures.
♦Ezek 8:13Again, He told me, “You will see them committing even greater abominations.” 14Then He brought me to the entrance of the north gate of the house of the LORD(YHWH), and I saw women sitting there, weeping for Tammuz. (BSB)
Along with the added costumes, and masks, with the encouragement of cursing, booing and hissing at Haman, and partaking in pastries that represent his beaten body, drunkenness is also strongly encouraged during Purim. Per the Talmud, a person is obligated to be so drunk that they don’t know the difference between “cursed be Haman” and “blessed be Mordechai”:
Megillah (7b): Rava said: A person is obligated to become intoxicated with wine on Purim until he does not know the difference between “cursed be Haman” and “blessed be Mordechai.”
Now, just to clarify what the Talmud is, it is the central text of Judaism, and primary source of religious law and theology. This same book that calls Mary, the mother of Jesus a whore, that Jesus was a sorcerer who worshiped a brick, and is in hell boiling in hot excrement.
In an article called, “The Purim Drunk”, b
“Our grandparents knew that shikker is ah goy–Jews don’t get drunk. How, then, do we reconcile the Halachah to get drunk on Purim with our understanding of the kind of life that the Torah commands us to lead? Can we allow ourselves to relinquish control over our behavior one day a year, or even once in a lifetime? Can we abnegate our awareness of the difference between good and evil for even a single moment?”

The author continues to go on justifying getting drunk, and that it can bring a person closer to ‘god’, also quoting a certain parable of the mitzvah of getting drunk:
“Purim is a wedding at which the shadchan has been shown the door, a feast celebrating the quintessential bond between G‑d and Israel. There are “drunks” at this feast who have achieved a state of cognitive oblivion; but in no other way do they resemble the stereotypical drunk.”
This is not the God of the Bible he is speaking of, let alone that this is also coming from the perspective of someone who is in Judaism, which deny that Jesus/Yeshua is the Messiah.
1 John 2:22Who is the liar, if it is not the one who denies that Jesus is the Christ? This is the antichrist, who denies the Father and the Son. 23Whoever denies the Son does not have the Father; whoever confesses the Son has the Father as well. (BSB)
According to the Scriptures, those who continue to practice, and promote drunkenness, will not enter the kingdom of God:
♦Proverbs 23:20Be not among winebibbers; among riotous eaters of flesh: 21For the drunkard and the glutton shall come to poverty: and drowsiness shall clothe a man with rags.(KJV)
♦Gal 5:21: Envyings, murders, drunkenness, revellings, and such like: of the which I tell you before, as I have also told you in time past, that they which do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God.(KJV)
♦1Cor 6:9Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind, 10Nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God.(KJV)
What also concerns me, is that this festival is geared so much towards children, especially at congregations that profess to follow the Messiah and encourage behavior that is contrary to what Jesus and the disciples taught, while presenting it in a way that appears innocent. Similarly, many professing believers will dress their children up in biblical costumes or costumes that are not “scary” and partake in a Halloween or a “Trunk or Treat” celebration, often held at the church. It is mixing the holy and the profane, and the ways of the world, with the ways of God, and teaches children that evil is ok to partake in, as long as it looks innocent.

♦Matthew 18:6But if you cause one of these little ones who trusts in me to fall into sin, it would be better for you to have a large millstone tied around your neck and be drowned in the depths of the sea.(NLT)
♦Isaiah 5:20Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!
In conclusion, we never had a desire to celebrate Purim after our initial experience, and were convicted to not associate with such. It is one thing to read the story of Esther, but entirely another to partake in all the traditions associated with Purim, that encourage things that are sinful. There is a way that seems right to a man, but it’s end is the way of death(Prov 14:12). The fruit of Purim is obvious to me, and hopefully others will also see how it does not bring any kind of glory to God. Let us make sure that we honor Him the way He tells us to, and not in the ways of the pagans.
Deut 12:4“Do not worship the LORD your God in the way these pagan peoples worship their gods.(NLT)
Jeremiah recorded how they baked cakes for Ester, queen of the heavens.
Hosea recorded how they loved their raisin cakes…raising (omen), Hadassah/Hadashah(renewed)
raisin-ing, raising like Cain offering an Easter basket of mixed fruit of worship.
Both Cain and Abel seen the example or teaching of how to approach Yahueh; Adam and Eve sewed fig leaves(fruit) of one’s own works(like m[EnSTR]ual rags, Isa. 64:6) but Yahueh clothed with skins(blood) so Abel offered to be covered by the blood.
Above passage of Isaiah even reads like
Adam and Eve/Cain and Abel stories:
“…the beginning of the ages..”,
“wroth”, “hidden from Yahueh’s face”
Side note: (ESTR)oGEN, or Ester’s Genie or Jin.
Enmity between serpant seed and seed of woman, the womb of woman , the incubator of all human life, is still to this day removed in the name of a demon, h(YSTER)ectomy.
Twin Towers, but first the Two s(ISTER) Towers( Herne Bay, Rome) to this day a tour-ist(IST-TOUR) attraction rumored to have child sacrifices in their foundations. Twin demons, twin s(ISTER)s, tw(ISTER).
Yahuseph, thank you for your comment, and yes, I did receive your message pertaining to the Hannukah blog, and I will respond here shortly. I am glad that you found both blogs edifying. As far as your comment here, I am not really following you on some of your connections, however, I could definitely see the correlation between the Israelites offering up the cakes to the “Queen of Heaven”(Jer 7:18) and offering up the pastries during Purim. I was more or less showing how such pastries have a similar feel to that of what is offered during Halloween; which either way you look at it, it is food sacrificed to idols. Yet, we know that not all pastries are evil, it is what people do with them, just like a pumpkin during Halloween.
Sorry, let me clarify. The Book of Ester is coded. Copies of Ester might have been in the pile of witchcraft books recorded as being burned in the Book of Acts.
The book is not quoted nor alluded to in the New Covenant Writings and is the only “scripture” not found from the Qumran Caves. Sha’ul was writing to Israelites, not gentiles warning them of such:
“You closely observe days and months and seasons and years…serv[ing] those which by nature are not mighty ones…I fear for you, lest by any means I have labored for you in vain…”(Gal. 4:8-11)
Can you image Sha’ul walking away from celebrating Hanukkah and Purim and trying to preach others from keeping Xerxes’ X-mas and Easter/Ester(Purim) in that age of such persecution?
[Side note: Purim are lots, dice or dies…Yahtzee- “Yahueh Tzi”dqenu, Jer. 23:6; 33:16…blasphemy to Yahueh’s name, ascribing to Him a “game” of
“Luck/Fortune-God”, Gen. 30:11; Isa. 65:11]
It’s a crafty book. It deploys a “h(ISTOR)y” of a peoples and who wants to let go of one of the few heroines that’s recorded?
X-mas/Hanukkah/Festival of Lights:
“…in the tenth month…”(Est. 2: 16), falls in December
“…a feast lasting seven days…days of feasting and joy, of sending portions to one another and gifts to the poor…[f]or the Yahudim there was light and gladness and joy and value…”(Est. 1:5; 9: 22; 8:16)
“And it came to be that he was raising[heb. omen] Hadassah, that is [with] Ester…was lovely and of good appearance…”(Est. 2:7)
Two Hebrew wordplays:
1) Hadassah/Hadashah= Renewed (covenant) Forged Covenant, look up Cove Forge, drug sorcery, illuminati affiliates and has an Asherah pole in there grove dedicated to twin demons Ashtor/Ester, a tree still rooted into the ground, carved of two unclean birds in a way that mocks the cross if you’re looking on it from a distance.
2) Ester, daughter of my father Lucifer
(Avi-Hayil/Helel), Est. 2: 15; 9;29
Ester 1:13, “…wise men who understood the times…”
magi or mag(ISTR)ates learned in the (ASTR)ological charts
Taking down one idol(Washti), replacing or building another idol in the rose garden or courtyard… court j(ESTER),
🎶 ” …ring around the roses, Ashes, ASHTAR, we all fall down” 🎶
Gatorade uses “rosin of Ester” for their regular drink, not in the 1% version.
“…walked about in front of the courtyard of the women’s quarters, to learn of Ester’s welfare and what is done to her…”
checking on construction
“…guardian of the women…”(Est. 2: 15)
as the Ephesians were “…the guardian of the temple of the great female mighty one Artemis, and of that which fell down from Zeus[Jup-iter, Luc-ifer, cut
(heb. “god”) down, Isa. 14:12]…”(Acts 19: 35)
“…to drink with Queen Ester…”(Est. 7:1)
You’re aware of Jeremiah 7 & 44.
Purim’s morning matinee, the word “matinee” means morning star.
The days of Eliyahu, Aaronically/Ironically, Eliyahu spoke the name of Yahueh over the people who were coming out of Ba’al God and Ashtar/Ester/Easter worship.
Yahueh keep you all
Yahueh be gracious to you all
Yahueh give you all shalom, in
Yahushua’s name.
Yahuseph, much of what you are saying is based upon pure speculation. You are also taking words and making them into something that they are not. I have seen this a lot with those who have either been involved or are involved in Kabbalah and Bible codes, or forms of gematria. I am not assuming that you are involved in these things, but just sharing what I have witnessed over the years. I do not believe that this jargon is of the Holy Spirit, and I would ask that you prayerfully examine such as it is confusion, and is not edifying.
I can understand about questioning and examining books of the Bible, especially ones that have been removed. I can understand how Esther would raise some question, considering the name of YHWH is not mentioned. I started thinking on these things several years ago myself, but unlike other books that have already been removed, I was never led by the Spirit against the book of Esther. We are told to “test all things”(1 Thes 5:21), so, while, we should test out the traditions with any celebration, we need to be led by the Holy Spirit, as He will lead into all truth(Joh 16:13). It is His Spirit that gives revelation, and understanding into matters, to include what is written.
So, while I can understand bringing into question why the Name of YHWH is not mentioned, or even why it may not be mentioned in the NT, making baseless claims that Esther is a “coded” book, full of witchcraft, and that such was possibly burned in Acts 19, is really quite outlandish. Not to mention, things I already brought up to you in a message, which you again bring up here.
1.) Esther, is a Persian name that means “Star”, her original Hebrew Name is Hadassah, which means “Myrtle”. It was typical for the Hebrews to have different names under gentile kings, just like we see with the name changes in the book of Daniel. Abihayil, was a Hebrew or Israelite name, and means “my Father is might”, I do not see where this has to do with Lucifer. Even with the Persian name change, it does not change who her father was, either earthly or heavenly.
When you distort the meaning of words, like with Abihail, you falsely attribute meaning, and in this case with Lucifer. Abihail is a name mentioned within the OT Scriptures, as a descendants of Gad(1 Chron 5:14), and as woman’s name in the descendants of Jerahmeel:
1 Chron 2:29And the name of the wife of Abishur was Abihail, and she bare him Ahban, and Molid.
Abihayil or Abichayil: “my father is might,” an Israelite name
Original Word: אֲבִיהַיִל
Part of Speech: Proper Name Masculine
Transliteration: Abihayil or Abichayil
Phonetic Spelling: (ab-ee-hah’-yil)
Definition: “my father is might”, an Israelite name
The last thing I will address is that the casting of lots is not inherently an “evil” thing. The Apostles cast lots for Matthias(Acts 1:26), and casting lots was an instruction given by YHWH in Lev 16:8 between the two goats.
Finally, we can certainty agree that the current celebration of Purim is not godly, nor Hannukah, and that it is possible that Xerxes was mixing Mithras worship in his feasts given. However, the main theme that we can attain from Esther, which I believe has remained in the official cannon per YHWH Himself, is that He goes before His people, and that when we humble ourselves before Him, in the presence of our enemies, He proves Himself to be faithful. That I believe is worth celebrating, but done so in Spirit and in truth.
Thank you so much for taking the time to give me feedback in depth. I appreciate the fact that I actually found someone that at least knows of the abominations of Purim and Hanukkah being another form of the same worship and reverence of Easter and Christmas. Though at the moment we may disagree in certain points is really of no consequence. We both understand what we are to turn away from and who we are turning to. I am going to take your advise and reevaluate and meditate on the things you brought forth. I sent one more comment which I’d like your feedback on if you could. May Yahueh keep you and your family, in Yahushua’s name.
Thank you for your patience and kindness. I am not or have never studied and applied Kabbalah knowingly. I do enjoy numbers but don’t live or base decisions off of them. Every day I wake up I do and try to live accordingly to Yahueh’s Words and walk in His Ways and not according to the numbers. I’m thinking that would basically be (ASTR)ology. Like the “game” of Uno, matching numbers and colors, trying not to get plagued with more cards (entities), until I get down to only one card, the “true” One and Only, where I’m required to scream of Uno.
I might be expecting my first child at age 39. Just throwing that out here, the how to’s and what activities and alternatives are out there? How to navigate what my child is exposed to?
Yahuseph, you are welcome. I do appreciate your humbleness and willing to receive.
I do believe that this kind of jargon: -> (ASTR)ology (and then attributing different meanings of words) is from a familiar spirit. I would ask why you are writing like that, and where did it come from?
The goal of astrology, is the same as Gematria and numerology. Within Gematria and numerology, it is finding a “hidden code” based off of the numerical value of the Hebrew letters. Astrology is finding a “hidden code” that is revealed within the stars/sun/moon. It is a practice of fortune telling and divination. It is one thing to know the numerical patterns within the Word, or that Yah created the sun/moon and stars in the expanse; but not the esoteric meanings of letters or the stars trying to find prophetic meanings and “codes”.
I see this being done in a similar manner with words, taking ASTR out of Astrology, or in other words from your comments. ASTRO, from the Greek means “of the stars”. The word for “astrologer” also comes from Chaldean or Magi, as well as sorcerer/conjurer/necromancer
Daniel 1:20And in all matters of wisdom and understanding, that the king inquired of them, he found them ten times better than all the magicians and *astrologers* that were in all his realm.
◄ 825. ashshaph ►
Strong’s Concordance
ashshaph: a conjurer, necromancer
Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance
From an unused root (probably meaning to lisp, i.e. Practice enchantment); a conjurer — astrologer.
I congratulate you on possible expectancy of your first child, and I can understand why you would be cautious of what to expose your child to. We have been very cautious of such, but I have not ever been led away from the game Yahtzee or Uno. The game Uno, is not the same as astrology. It is a card game, and Yahtzee is a game that uses dice. Not all games that use cards or dice are bad or evil that will open doorways to the occult. Some dice games are actually beneficial in learning how to count, add, subtract, and multiply, as I have used in homeschooling our children. Children become more engaged in learning through games, and a more hands on approach.
As far as your last question, I was able to do a quick search and find this article for you of a list of names that applied for both male and female in the OT. https://www.behindthename.com/names/gender/unisex/usage/biblical
I am not the best at writing and probably worse at speaking but that didn’t stop Yahueh from using Moses’ or Sha’ul who wrote: “But even if I am unskilled in word, yet not in knowledge…”(2 Cor. 11:6) I mean it is only from Sha’ul letters that we see human teachers teaching that Yahueh’s Teachings/Instructions(Torah) are done away with as Kepha wrote that “…Sha’ul[s]…letters…some are hard to understand, which those who are untaught and unstable twist to their own destruction…”(2 Pet. 3:16)
You mentioned familiar spirits, I can assure you that I’ve opened myself up to worse probably by my behaviors or ways of living in the past but I can also assure you that I am not searching for codes of Ester’s name in our everyday language. It is simply from being shown something and not being able to unsee it. I’m not reading with the intent of finding such, it’s very much more like, “wow, there’s her name again defined or used differently again…” Not searching, rather trying to refrain from using such language if at all possible in obedience to: “And in all that I have said to you [T]ake [H]eed[!] Make no mention of the name of other mighty ones, let it not be heard from your mouth.”(Ex. 23:13) Found also in the examples of Yahushua reiterating such and David’s refraining from such, Jos.23:7; Ps. 16:4.
You questioned from whence did I receive such insight? In 2016 I almost past on a tract because I knew the pastor/priest was a false teacher as he literally told me that he encouraged people to search out any God that they wanted. I look at it now as Eliyahu being fed by an unclean raven and Sha’ul having wrote, “Do not despise prophesying, prove them all. Hold fast what is good.”(1Thes. 5: 20-21) Anyway, I called that pastor back and took the tract which broke down the word “history” as “his story”. Needless to say it made for “good” teaching but it just simply isn’t true! So, I picked up a dictionary and that’s how I seen the name of Ester in the “word” h(ISTOR)y. It came from the Greek so I got to the word “h(YSTER)ia”, which the medical community now calls BPA, which is a bout of uncontrollable laughter or crying. The Greeks believed only woman could exhibit such and their cure was removing her womb, from whence we get the name, h(YSTER)ectomy. And gathering the enmity between serpant seed and seed of woman it’s not to hard to see the name of this demon spoke over girls and woman all the day is long instead of Yahueh’s name…(ESTR)o(Gen)…Ester’s Jin(Arabic, think Alladdin) or Ester’s Genie🎶 I’m a Genie in a bottle, baby🎶
GEN-ealogy and (ASTR)ology. Furthermore, with so much evidence of child sacrifices it’s harder for me to believe it’s just all coincidence that the Greeks were saying a woman had a demon or familiar spirit, “She has a demon, she has an Ister(hysteria)”. But maybe they weren’t just sacrificing wombs, maybe they thought if they offered the womb maybe Ister/Ester would stop tormenting these poor women. But the Greeks weren’t ignorant because their word for “knowing” and “inquiring” was also “Ister”. Ister/Ester, (is there) going to be rain today? Ironic or coincidence that beginning a sentence in “Engish” with (IS THER)e/(ESTHER)e is in fact inquiring in the name of a demon? Well, not if you take into account that those practicing dark arts used the word “glamor” borrowing it from the word “grammar”, a spoken spell. Glamorous enticing allure. “…[T]he tree was good for food, that it was pleasant to the eyes… desirable to make one wise…” Both women and men have their places, I am a man and I’m seeking advice and opinions from you of which I’m grateful. Women are born innate, basing things off of how they feel or their emotions moreso than men. It is why you see the fields of mediums and spiritists are majority full of women. It might be that a humble women might reevaluate once more no matter what her feelings are. How does her Father feel about it? “You do not bring the Name of Yahueh your Elohim to naught…”(Ex. 20:7) Wow, look I just rolled five dice with all the numbers matching so I’m going to yell out Yah is our Righteosness or Yahtzee. I’m not judging, I grew up playing such with my mom. When I told her of this she felt convicted. It’s not like we were doing it on purpose mom, I just wanted to point out how inconsiderate it would be of us if we continued in such for our enjoyment in the name of a game of fun. As for you, I’m sure you’ll come to your own convictions, but beyond this game I’d hope you’d always consider the feelings of our Dad and not base things off of your feelings or emotions only. Aren’t we all just trying to make our Father smile and not bring Him any pain and hear Him say, “Well done, good and faithful servant”? Not that I needed any more confirmation of what spirit I am of but I found I was on the right path because people don’t seek your life if what you are saying is of no consequence. It might have also been that my past choices weren’t what you’d call set-apart from the ways of the world and maybe in these days of terrorism they feared I’d respond with violence. That’s giving them the benefit of doubt because I wasn’t doing anything violent, I literally wrote much the same of what I’ve wrote to you on my own truck and drove it around cause I didn’t know how else to go about it and that’s what ruffled their feathers, merely billboarding the truth.
And though I was already aware of their plan so much so that I kept cutting off an exmiliary person I know from telling me before he said it, he chose to tell me anyway that they were trying to pay him to kill me, even while Pittsburgh’s Channel 4 helicopter was circling the scene of where that time my murder was to take place. Waiting to break the news? I’m not sure, I don’t know specifically who was in the helicopter and frankly I don’t care. I hold no grudges, even if I were to yet be abducted by a jump-out team and exiled to Mexico. I am not confused like the Ephesians were when they abducted Sha’ul’s fellow travelers for speaking out on the same things I am pointing out(Acts 19). Though on a different topic the people said Yahushua had a demon and that they weren’t seeking to kill him either. I’d have you know that all these “provide[] no little business to the craftsmen”(Act 19:24), rather corporations or conglomerates and/or even taxes thereon. I had forgotten that I had overhead that last night was to be Lights Up Night. I was wondering why the Trolley had so many people on it at evening time. I didn’t realize it until I was downtown. It was sad, Pittsburgh had the Festival of Lights last night, or what they call “Light Up Night” to usher in Hanukkah/Christmas spending and going into the black from a year of operating in the red, Black Friday. PPG’s Christmas tree even displayed hexagons to be welcoming to all. I swear I felt like Yahushua had to feel while walking on Solomon porch during Hanukkah. Again, not that I needed conformation but I recently installed an app called clubhouse and it just so happened to notify me of a live room that was of the prosperity preaching type who’s theme just happened to be of Solomon’s Porch. They must’ve repeated saying “Solomon’s Porch” a hundred times as I was walking around. I couldn’t help but to think of Yahueh’s Words to Ezekiel, “…Have you seen, O son of man? Is it a small matter to the house of Yahudah to do the[se] abominations…”(Eze. 8: 17)
I’m not sure if the “teaching” of Solomon’s Porch was just mere conformation or mocking but even if mocking yet still conformation. Only why I say mocking is because when I was driving that truck billboard around I was upsetting the witches also. I was hexed by two women that happened to show up at a congregation in a blacked out S.U.V. with a bat emblem on the hood that I decided to attend. They were effecting my breathing so much so that I didn’t share in that Bible study and actually had to walk outside to gather myself. After the study the pastor asked if we were together and that’s when they said they drove all the way to Pittsburgh from up state New York for this tiny little congregation of about ten. But I’m saying all of this so that you can test my spirit and maybe rethink that a familiar spirit is leading me, I rebuke such by saying Yahueh ga’ar(rebuke), Yahueh ga’ar as found in scripture, Zech. 3:2; Jude 1: 9. Though it’s probably healthy to have a fear of gamatria there are laws that Yahueh created that whether good or evil must be operated in. That’s why you see witchcraft twisting the use of the nature of 3’s such as tapping ruby red slippers together 3 times and saying “no place like home” 3 times or “bloody mirror” 3 times. That doesn’t make 3’s evil, for lack of a better “word”, just like all “pastries” aren’t evil. It depends ones intended use. We are taught to say/sing Yahueh’s name 3 times over people as a blessing and that Yahueh will indeed bless them. Eliyahu practiced this over those coming out of Ba’al God and Ashtar/Ester, worship, 1 Kgs. 18: 36-37. The Book of Proverbs means Book of Sayings because it is full of two-liners. Once you say something twice, then unto the third time you are no longer saying it, you are singing it. It has become your life’s song. That’s why when Peter denied Messiah 3 times Yahushua made him change his tune and sing a Renewed song by making him state that he loved him 3 times, Jn. 21. Amy Winehouse(wow, I just noticed last given/stage name) sang “No” 3 times about going to rehab then past away shortly after. Of course there are balances and exceptions to the rules and of course Yahueh righteously Judges. But numbers aren’t evil in and of themselves, it’s how people utilize them and for what means that determines whether it’s evil or not. I’d just close with two things: supporting things that are evil only gives power to evil to weld, to lobby for their agendas and not ours and ultimately will reach a point where Yahueh will have no choice but to supernaturally intervene since we aren’t doing anything about it. A company or corporation that chooses OR retains a certain name I can be sure do not hold to biblical values. A rapper named Travis Scott just had 9 people die at his (ASTR)o world concert. CNN owns (ASTR)obotic. How is it a believer would say to another believe that he’s being led by a familiar spirit and defend the ones who are utilizing the name of an evil spirit in all that they do? Because the Satan would have the whole world confused and reject knowledge. I believe I already explained to you that L(ISTER)ine means “to, for” Ester “enes, ites”. Or Subaru, with a constellation of stars as their emblem and names a line of vehicles For(ESTER)? Back to the trees and asherahs for Ashtor. Not only after humans but all living organizisms, send us into the pigs…Deforestation in the name of a demon, the work for the craftsman, a “for(ester)”, Jer. 10. And I’ll close with a dream that awoke me into reality…Back in 2016 after I got that tract and was studying the dictionary side-by-side with my bibles I had a dream. I believe Satan appeared to me cause he was speaking in the first person and I say “he” cause it seemed a males voice. He hovered over my body-length-wise and I could hear him telepathically saying, “You know I hate His name.” I was so fearful that I couldn’t speak but only shook my head yes. He then began to try dissipating into me when I scream the name “Yahweh”. I’m not certain if I screamed it out loud outside of my dream but as I did I was immediately sitting up and awake now. And now awake the tall, long, slender thing was standing in the corner of my room. I wasn’t scared I just didn’t know what else to do but stare at it. Eventually it shadowed onto the wall and flew out of the window. I knew the name of Yahueh for five years then but Satan didn’t show up to try to scare me quiet until I happened upon the knowledge of the use of glamor/grammar. It is scary how much it’s used in music. But what’s really scary is I seen it used in so-called gospel music specifically titled for night-time use(sorry I don’t remember name). How do you make someone believe the gravity of calling/summoning on a demons name in what they’d say is just someone looking for conspiracies and “encoded” words? Or that the very name given to “a reversal of natural or rational order as in bred and born instead of born and bred is: h(YSTER)on protron? That’s what witchcraft does, my sibling use to be an amateur devilworshiper when she was young and her and her friends would try to play records backwards listening for “codes”. A reversal, Easter instead of Passover. THR-EShold/ES-THRhold. Ultimately, if Yahueh wants others to know and they truly want to know then it will be so. Oh, just listen to the lyrics(headphones) of the song “y(ESTER)day” and tell me the singer isn’t using glamor/grammar. Think of a spirit world that is all around us that we rarely, if ever ever see. Now imagine one of those spirits “whom all Asia[to this very day houses shrine of Ester/Easter] and the world worships”(Acts 19: 27) by name. Wouldn’t you avoid blurting out it’s name, therefore drawing its attention to you, if you could? I just can’t see how you interpret me changing my use of speaking “r(EST R)oom” to “bathroom” is of a familiar spirit when that is what I’m always attempting to refrain from and/or rebuke. As I’ve stated, it’s probably in the way I present things. Sorry. I hope I did better this time at explaining.
Yahueh keep you all
Yahueh be gracious to you all
Yahueh give you all shalom, in
Yahushua’s name.
Yahuseph, honestly, this is getting to be a bit much. I asked those questions to you in a rhetorical manner, that you may bring such in prayer to the Lord. It was something to bring to Him, not me. I had discerned the familiar spirit from the beginning, and have encountered it before, which I brought up to you in my initial response to you. I also spoke with my husband on the matter, to which he also discerned as a familiar spirit. A familiar spirit will imitate the voice of Yah, and I am simply trying to help you. I am honestly not able to follow you with all that you have said here, and I implore you to bring all this to Yah in prayer. You have obviously been through a lot, and have a lot on your mind/heart.
I have no idea where you are getting that Yahtzee means “Yah is our Righteousness”. The Hebrew word for Righteousness is tsedeq. When you bring YHWH, and tsedeq together, you have “Yhvh Tsidqenu”. Zedekiah (Tsidqiyyahu or Tsidqiyyah) is also a name that means “Yah is righteousness”.
I did brief research on the game, and it originated from a Canadian couple who played the game on their yacht. It then became Yaht-zee. So, again, there is something that is influencing you here, with your mind and thoughts, and this is becoming unfruitful.
Sorry, one more thing…Do you know if the name Avihayil is the only name given to both male and female?
Won’t contact you again