Why I No longer Vaccinate: A Veteran’s Story

As I sit here, staring at the screen, thinking of a possible engaging introduction to this blog post, I ponder on the title that I have chosen, thinking of my time back in the military, and the fresh aspirations I had as a young woman, 18, joining the US Air Force. Some of the memories are vivid, and some, just as the aging of time, slowly have faded from my mind.

I chose the above picture for this blog post because I see myself as as a young Airman, being held up by the wing of a C-130, dedicating my life to “service before self, and excellence in all that I do”, while all around me surrounds the dark clouds that I was seemingly unaware of.

The thought of a US government causing harm to it’s military members was never a thought that had entered my mind, as I was quite ignorant on the ways of the world, and the perpetual evil that lurked about within it’s shadows.

Prior to my time in the military, I only remember receiving a handful of shots, however, once I got off that bus in Lackland AFB, TX, that would soon change. My memories of processing through the airman assembly line remain limited to a crazy drill sergeant screaming his head off at us once we arrived, stepping briefly on the bus as to frighten us so bad, that half or more of us were wondering what the heck we just signed our selves up for. I remember one guy saying, “here we go”…lol, I was too tired to really care at the time. Then, I just remember heaps upon heaps of paperwork, and then going through a line in which I received several vaccines in both my arms, in which I would receive regularly for the next 15 years, to also include the never ending supply of paperwork.

Most children that grew up in my generation did not find themselves inundated with vaccines, but rather wound up at “chicken pox” parties to gain the natural immunity that happens when your body fights off illness naturally, as God has designed our bodies to do.

Psalm 139:13For You formed my inmost being; You knit me together in my mother’s womb. 14I praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Marvelous are Your works, and I know this very well.

When I was 5 years old, in 1986, there was a law was signed that would make Big Pharma what it is today, allowing companies to make an obscene amount of profit, while those who became injured from vaccines would be left out squandering in the gutter. This act was called the “National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act“, which removed any liability of injury from the product manufactures. Now, think about that for a minute. WHY, do you think that they would do that, then ask yourself how many vaccines were given prior to that time, and then AFTER?

As I mentioned, prior to joining the military I did not receive many shots, I also did not get sick very often. Once I had joined the military, I can recall not only myself, but many of my co-workers and friends getting severely sick after injections. One of the worst reactions I had was with the anthrax, and the small pox.

This is part of my vaccine record of my time in the Air Force. The highlighted flu shot dated 17 Oct 2013, was the last vaccine I received. Not just in the military, but altogether, as I became aware that vaccines were causing harm to so many, to include my own daughter.

The first 6 shots listed on my record are from Anthrax, which I received between 2003-2007, I was mandated to take such in Dec 2003, even though a judge had ruled that same month that the DOD could not force military personal to take it. The only Anthrax manufacture Bioport Corporation, used through the military’s AVIP(Anthrax Vaccine Immunization Program) from 1997-2008, had failed multiple operation standards, but was allowed to continue production. The Anthrax vaccine was experimental, or classified as an (IND) and the proper procedures through the FDA were bypassed through the DOD. Over 6 million doses were quarantined by the FDA, and failed adequate testing.

Many of you might be interested to know that Bioport Corporation is now known as Emergent (BioSolutions), which is the leading production for the current COVID vaccines.

Article from the Washington Post (June 2020), “Before the pandemic, top contractor received billions from government to help prepare the nation for biowarfare“:

“The company that would become Emergent began as BioPort Corp., formed in 1998 to buy an aging, state-owned company in Lansing, Mich., that was the only licensed supplier of anthrax vaccine to the Pentagon. Its founder, Fuad El-Hibri, was a former management consultant and telecom executive.

The Clinton administration had announced plans to vaccinate all U.S. troops against anthrax and to stockpile vaccines to protect civilians. But the success of the Michigan venture depended on government subsidies, company officials have said.

Controversy swamped the operation. Hundreds of U.S. troops who received the BioThrax treatment complained of bad reactions, such as headaches and nerve problems. Some troops risked courts-martial by refusing vaccination.

In a June 1999 House hearing, Rep. Christopher Shays (R-Conn.) questioned the vaccine’s safety and the company’s contracting deals. “The Pentagon is locked in a dependent relationship with BioPort Corp.,” Shays said.

The company denied that BioThrax posed an undue risk.

BioPort rebranded itself as Emergent and moved its headquarters from Michigan to Maryland. But the first major BioShield contract, an $878 million deal for a “next generation” anthrax vaccine that required fewer shots and was easier to store, was awarded to a California start-up called VaxGen.

“Within weeks after announcing Operation Warp Speed, President Trump has now brought on another key manufacturing partner for an eventual covid-19 vaccine,” Azar said about Emergent. “Before a vaccine is even approved, Emergent’s manufacturing capabilities will pave the way for drug companies with candidates approaching approval to begin turning out doses.”

Bioport/Emergent recently partnered with Johnson and Johnson to produce their COVID vaccine. Johnson and Johnson recently has been under fire for its cancer causing baby powder, having known for decades that such could be contaminated with asbestos, but failed to alert the public. The company is now setting aside $3.9 billion in it’s baby powder/talc litigation, and still deems it’s products “safe and effective”…just like those vaccines?

Are vaccines really “safe”?

Definition of “safe”:

  • not exposed to the threat of loss or injury
  • protected from or not exposed to danger or risk; not likely to be harmed or lost.
  • uninjured; with no harm done.

“Dr. Humphries worked as a kidney specialist, when she saw a connection between vaccinations and kidney damage. She started questioning whether vaccines are safe and after doing a lot of research, she wrote a book together with Roman Bystrianyk called Dissolving Illusions, Disease, Vaccines and the Forgotten History. A book that thoroughly investigates what really reduced the death rate from different diseases that we currently vaccinate against.”

As mentioned above from the Washington Post: “Hundreds of U.S. troops who received the BioThrax treatment complained of bad reactions…”

Many military members suffered what was known as “Gulf War Syndrome (GWS)” with many illness resulting from a concoction of vaccines, along with Anthrax, which was never proven “safe” or “effective”. A documentary that was released in 2003, called “Direct Order”, directed by Scott Miller and narrated by Michael Douglas tells the story of members of the military who were ordered against their will to receive the experimental anthrax vaccine, and the devastating illnesses that they developed. I strongly recommend watching this documentary, which begins with a short interview of a woman, Kamila Iwanowska, who was court-martialed, in 2003 for refusing to take the Anthrax. Here is an article pertaining to her, as mentioned in the video:

Article from CBS News(May 2003), “Vaccine Refuser Court-Martialed“:

“A military panel on Wednesday found an Army reservist guilty of disobeying an order for refusing to take the anthrax vaccine.

Iwanowska, who is Polish and became an American citizen last year, told her superiors she considered the shot medically dangerous to children she might have in the future, saying the vaccine’s long-term effects are unknown. As a Roman Catholic, she also cited religious reasons.

Since the vaccinations were made mandatory for all U.S. military personnel in 1998, hundreds of service members have been disciplined or discharged for refusing to take the shot. At least 37 have been court-martialed.

The Pentagon insists the vaccination is safe, with severe adverse reactions developing in about one in 100,000 vaccinations.”

Documentary “Direct Order”:

This is an excerpt from a Congressional report on Anthrax from 2000: 06-556 – THE DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE ANTHRAX VACCINE IMMUNIZATION PROGRAM: UNPROVEN FORCE PROTECTION

“Responding to service members’ complaints of program insensitivity to adverse health effects, inadequate medical recordkeeping, and heavy-handed program operation, the Subcommittee on National Security, Veterans Affairs, and International Relations initiated an oversight investigation into the design and implementation of the Department of Defense [DOD] force-wide, mandatory Anthrax Vaccine Immunization Program [AVIP]. Because the anthrax vaccine is still being studied as a potential causative or contributing factor in Gulf war veterans’ illnesses,\1\ the subcommittee measured the program against this standard: Any expanded use of the same vaccine should be undertaken only with the greatest care and only to the extent necessary. As currently designed and implemented, the anthrax vaccine program fails on both counts.

At best, the vaccine provides some measure of protection to most who receive it. Just how much protection is acquired, by whom, for how long, and against what level of challenge are questions DOD answers with an excess of faith but a paucity of science.

Many members of the armed forces do not share that faith. They do not believe merely suggestive evidence of vaccine efficacy outweighs their concerns over the lack of evidence of long term vaccine safety. NOR DO THEY TRUST DOD HAS LEARNED THE LESSONS OF PAST MILITARY MEDICAL MISTAKES: atomic testing, Agent Orange, Persian Gulf war drugs, and vaccines. Heavy handed, one-sided informational materials only fuel suspicions the program understates adverse reaction risks in order to magnify the relative, admittedly marginal, benefits of the vaccine.

Human experimentation is known to have taken place on the US populous without their knowledge or consent, which has also been done upon the US military, as mentioned previously with such report. I could list several more….Tuskegee Experiment anyone?

When I learned the truth about vaccines, and learned that I was a human experiment in the military, it made me angry, because I trusted those who were in leadership above me. I was lied to, deceived, and manipulated. This is the reality of the US troops serving, as well as the general population.

Many do not want to face the truth of these realities, and many parents do not want to accept that they are placing their children in harms way, when they believe they are protecting them. In such, it becomes a “blind ignorance”, and a game of Russian Roulette with yourself and your children, as you have no idea how one person’s body is going to react to another.

I , as a mother, believed that I was doing the right thing by vaccinating my children, as I myself had been indoctrinated into believing that this was to protect them. I was once ignorant, but I did not completely turn off the idea of vaccines being wrong when I presented with a small seed of truth.

Shortly after my oldest daughter was born, I attended a local church group gathering specifically geared towards moms with young children that I had even fathomed that people did not vaccinate. I can still remember how my face must have looked along with the tone of my voice as I heard, “Oh, we do not vaccinate”. Inside my head there was a pause, and then a challenge to a held belief, “Wait, what? You do not vaccinate?”,  the words tumbled out of my mouth, as I tried to process this contrary held belief that was so deeply imbedded into the military culture that I was apart of.  After that brief conversation, something started to grow within my spirit that day, which the Holy Spirit nurtured, and brought to maturity several years later.

Soon after such conversation, I went to a well baby check up for my eldest daughter, Alissa. At 2 months old she weighed in at a little over 9lbs, because she was born 8 weeks premature. She was born weighing 4lb 3oz. and ended up having to be in the hospital for 3 weeks. By the time we were able to take her home, she weighed approx. 5lbs. Now, roughly 10 years ago, looking back, I do believe that her prematurity contributed greatly to her bodies inability to be able to handle the toxicity of the vaccines.

It was at this check up that the nudging in my spirit concerning vaccines would begin to get stronger. I remember the nurses holding down her legs, two shots in each.  After each shot, a piercing scream from my child. “Wait, what just happened?” I cried out in my mind, as I now beheld her small little legs before me with two Band-Aids on each leg, covering the injections she just received.

Even after the visit, I went on vaccinating for just shy of 3 more years, along with our second daughter, Danielle.

Fast forward to 2014, and I was convicted by the Holy Spirit to no longer vaccinate myself or my children.  I was no longer in Active Duty(AD) but was in the Air Force Reserves(USAFR) , and was actually transitioning into an inactive status from the USAFR to permanently leave the military.  I had no prior knowledge of the damaging effects, the ingredients, or even past experiments done with vaccines. All I knew, was that Yeshua/Jesus spoke to me, through His Spirit, and I felt a deep warning and conviction against it. I remember telling my husband, and telling him not to get the flu shot, even though I think he later told me, he had already got it. Later, the Holy Spirit convicted my husband, and we could no longer be in agreement with the military, and thankful we were both led out during that time. I no longer stood on the wing of the USAF, but the wing of my God and my Savior, Yeshua/Jesus!

Psalm 36:7How precious is Your loving devotion, O God, that the children of men take refuge in the shadow of Your wings! 

Over time, as I began to do research on vaccines, and the damages and injuries it has had on many children, I began to see some similarities in the behavior of Alissa, when she was younger, the regression in speech, constant crying, unable to recall things she learned a few days prior, lack of stable memory.  The Holy Spirit revealed to me that the cause of Alissa’s learning disabilities were due to vaccine damage, and suddenly everything seemed to click, and I knew that, without any hesitation, vaccines had injured my child.  Once this reality set in, I had relief in knowing the cause, yet great grief and sorrow. It also deeply angered me.

You are not given full vaccine disclosure, or informed consent of the side effects of vaccines when you go to the well baby check ups. You are just told, that “everything is normal”, and just “give them Tylenol”. In fact, I recently pulled out some medical documentation pamphlets I had saved from when the girls went to their early baby check ups and this is exactly what it says:

“Immunizations are very safe. It is not uncommon for your baby to experience mild discomfort or temperature. Your baby can safely take Tylenol drops if they are needed.”

Then goes on to tell me to call the office if these reactions occur:

  • Has a fever of 104.8 or more
  • Acts unusually ill
  • Feeds poorly
  • Cries for more than 3 hours without stopping within 48 hours of receiving the vaccines

Now, this last one really made me upset. Why do you think the child would be crying for more than 3 hours without stopping after receiving a vaccine, it is because it has to do with the brain swelling.

Very safe… until your child’s brain swells up, and suffers brain damage. This is an example of vaccine roulette…click, click…bang.

While it pains me to know that I placed my child in harms way, and I spent a lot of days weeping, I am so thankful that it did not cause her further harm, and that while she has some learning difficulties, they can be managed with patience, diligence, and prayer.

One day, a few weeks ago, as Tony and I were discussing about vaccines, I had the sudden urge to tell Alissa, as she is older now, why she has some of the difficulties/struggles that she does in her learning/understanding, that her sister does not. It was emotional for us to tell her, but I saw the relief in her eyes that she knew it was not just her, that this was the result of something out of her control.

We still have some bad days in learning, but they are fewer in number than the good days, in which we are truly blessed. My heart goes out to those moms and families who have suffered a great deal more with the effect of vaccine damage/harm to their children and loved ones.

I don’t believe that most parents go to their well baby check-ups, to put their children in harms way, just as I did not, but instead do such out of ignorance and thinking it is what is best for their children and themselves. However, when you know better, you should do better.

I saw some of the damaging effects of the Anthrax, and smallpox, and experienced it.  Children now receive shots that we naturally received immunity to, like chickenpox, measles, etc. Even HPV can be healed naturally from the body, and the HPV vaccine has caused many damages and deaths. Since I have stopped vaccinating, I am healthier, we are healthier, and I have not had to take our children to the hospital in over 7 years.

Many of the vaccines that were administered to include anthrax, which resulted in “gulf war syndrome” were not approved by the FDA, and were experimental. Many service members receiving direct orders to take such an experimental vaccine, going against their will, were court-martialed. In September ’99 President Clinton signed executive order 13139 that allows DoD (Department of Defense) to experiment on US troops without signed consent or knowledge. There have been thousands of military members that have had vaccine damage, due to Anthrax alone. Federal courts found that the military was operating it’s vaccine program ILLEGALLY for 6 years! If such has been proven true for the military, then how much more for the rest of the human population?

Article from Children’s Health Defense(Nov 2020):Former Officer Warns Military of Pitfalls Surrounding COVID Vaccine Mandate”

“In short, federal courts have set precedent that mandating experimental vaccines in the military is illegal. As I wrote in a previous article:

“In 2008, the federal court affirmed that the FDA, [U.S. Department of Health and Human Services] HHS and [Department of Defense] DOD allowed an illegal AVIP program by mandating an experimental anthrax vaccine for military personnel that was not licensed for use against inhalation anthrax, nor approved for use by a presidential waiver.”

The illegal anthrax vaccine mandate caused adverse health outcomes in thousands of service members, triggered a retention crisis among pilots and imposed disciplinary actions under the Uniform Code of Military Justice against service members who refused an experimental and highly reactogenic vaccine.”

A vaccine is not a cure to a disease, but rather compromises the immune system further in that the body is injected with foreign DNA and toxins. That foreign DNA often that of aborted/murdered babies.

For an exhaustive list of vaccines and ingredients: https://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/pubs/pinkbook/downloads/appendices/b/excipient-table-2.pdf

♦Job 31:14what will I do when God rises to judge? How will I answer when called to account? 15Did not He who made me in the womb also make them? Did not the same One form us in the womb? 

♦Prov 6:16There are six things that the LORD hates, seven that are detestable to Him: 17haughty eyes, a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood, 

Now, I understand those who are ignorant on the matter, as I was, and Yah/God is merciful; but those who know the truth, and continue to justify taking a vaccine, while also being a follower of the Most High, Yeshua/Jesus is quite egregious. Not only are such vaccines benefitted upon the murdering of another, an innocent child at that, but you are also defiling your body physically, by putting harmful toxins into it.

If you knew that someone was injecting poison into their body, like meth, or heroin, you say something, yet when we inject poisons in the forms of vaccines, it becomes an accepted practice.

I am sharing my experience and research in hopes that many question what they believe to be true. That this might give someone pause to think about what they are injecting into their body, or their child’s body.  No one should EVER be forced to do something against their will, to include injecting poison in their body in the form of a vaccine.

1. The voluntary consent of the human subject is absolutely essential.

“This means that the person involved should have legal capacity to give consent; should be so situated as to be able to exercise free power of choice, without the intervention of any element of force, fraud, deceit, duress, overreaching, or other ulterior form of constraint or coercion; and should have sufficient knowledge and comprehension of the elements of the subject matter involved as to enable him to make an understanding and enlightened decision. This latter element requires that before the acceptance of an affirmative decision by the experimental subject there should be made known to him the nature, duration, and purpose of the experiment; the method and means by which it is to be conducted; all inconveniences and hazards reasonably to be expected; and the effects upon his health or person which may possibly come from his participation in the experiment.”

2 Replies to “Why I No longer Vaccinate: A Veteran’s Story”

    1. Thank you Beth! I am glad to hear that it has been a blessing to you, and I appreciate you commenting! Yes, Praise Him indeed!

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